*Asterisk denotes HQP.
2024 and pre-prints:
53. Albery GF, Becker DJ, Firth JA, Silk M, Sweeny AR, Vander Wal E, Webber QMR [55 others] (2024) Density-dependent network structuring within and across wild animal systems. Submitted to Nature Ecology & Evolution.
52. Love A*, Heckley A, Webber QMR (2024) Taking cues ecological and evolutionary theory to expand the landscape of disgust. EcoEvoRxiv
51. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2024) Post-rut aggression in caribou: limited evidence for interference competition but strong evidence for male harassment. Behaviour. 161:613-636.
50. Ferraro K, Albrecht D, Hendrix, JG, Vander Wal E, Schmitz OJ, Webber QMR, Bradford MA (2024) The biogeochemical boomerang: site fidelity creates nutritional hotspots that may promote recurrent calving site reuse. Ecology Letters 27:e14491.
49. Webber QMR (2024) Integrating life history and behavioral aging in the wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
48. Albery GF, Webber QMR, Farine D, Picardi S, Vander Wal E, Manlove K (2024) Expanding theory, methodology and empirical systems at the spatial-social interface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379, 20220534.
46. Hendrix JG, Robitaille AL, Kusch JM, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2024) Faithful pals or familiar locales: differentiating social and spatial site fidelity during reproduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379, 20220525.
45. Webber QMR, Prokopenko CM, Kingdon KA, Turner JW, Vander Wal E (2024) Effects of the social environment on movement and habitat selection. Movement Ecology.
44. Prokopenko CM, Ellington EH, Robitaille AL, Aubin JA, Balluffi-Fry J, Laforge MP, Webber QMR, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2024) Friends because of foes: the interplay between space use and sociality in mediating predation risk. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 379, 20230374.
43. Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Vander Wal E (2024) The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Nature Communications 15, 4423.
42. Le Goff M, Hendrix JG, Webber QMR, Robitaille AL, Vander Wal E (2024) Environmental, social, and morphological drivers of fission-fusion in a social ungulate. Animal Behaviour 207:267-276.
2024 and pre-prints:
53. Albery GF, Becker DJ, Firth JA, Silk M, Sweeny AR, Vander Wal E, Webber QMR [55 others] (2024) Density-dependent network structuring within and across wild animal systems. Submitted to Nature Ecology & Evolution.
52. Love A*, Heckley A, Webber QMR (2024) Taking cues ecological and evolutionary theory to expand the landscape of disgust. EcoEvoRxiv
51. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2024) Post-rut aggression in caribou: limited evidence for interference competition but strong evidence for male harassment. Behaviour. 161:613-636.
50. Ferraro K, Albrecht D, Hendrix, JG, Vander Wal E, Schmitz OJ, Webber QMR, Bradford MA (2024) The biogeochemical boomerang: site fidelity creates nutritional hotspots that may promote recurrent calving site reuse. Ecology Letters 27:e14491.
49. Webber QMR (2024) Integrating life history and behavioral aging in the wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
48. Albery GF, Webber QMR, Farine D, Picardi S, Vander Wal E, Manlove K (2024) Expanding theory, methodology and empirical systems at the spatial-social interface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379, 20220534.
46. Hendrix JG, Robitaille AL, Kusch JM, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2024) Faithful pals or familiar locales: differentiating social and spatial site fidelity during reproduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379, 20220525.
45. Webber QMR, Prokopenko CM, Kingdon KA, Turner JW, Vander Wal E (2024) Effects of the social environment on movement and habitat selection. Movement Ecology.
44. Prokopenko CM, Ellington EH, Robitaille AL, Aubin JA, Balluffi-Fry J, Laforge MP, Webber QMR, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2024) Friends because of foes: the interplay between space use and sociality in mediating predation risk. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 379, 20230374.
43. Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Vander Wal E (2024) The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Nature Communications 15, 4423.
42. Le Goff M, Hendrix JG, Webber QMR, Robitaille AL, Vander Wal E (2024) Environmental, social, and morphological drivers of fission-fusion in a social ungulate. Animal Behaviour 207:267-276.
41. Albery GR, Sweeney A, Webber QMR (2023) How behavioural ageing affects infectious disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews. 155:105426.
40. McGuire LP, Leys R, Webber QMR, Clerc J (2023) Heterothermic migration strategies in flying vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icad053.
39. Dedeban E, Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Robitaille A, Vander Wal E (2023) Uncertainty during migration: the role of predictable resources in unpredictable conditions in determining movement in woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Journal of Mammalogy. 104:1290-1301.
39. Laforge MP, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2023) Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92:1042-1054.
37. Webber QMR, Albery GF, Farine DR, Pinter-Wollman N, Sharma N, Spiegel O, Vander Wal E, Manlove KR (2023) Behavioural ecology at the social-spatial interface. Biological Reviews. 98:868-886. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12934
36. Webber QMR, Dantzer B, Lane J, Boutin S, McAdam AG (2023) Density-dependent plasticity in territoriality revealed using social network analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92:207-221.
35. Collins S, Hendrix J, Webber QMR, Boyle S, Kingdon KA, Blackmore RJ, d’Entremont KJN, Hogg J, Ibáñez J-P, Kennah J, Lamarre J, Mejias M, Newediuk L, Richards C, Schwedak K, Wijekulathilake C, Turner JW (2023) A systematic examination of the intersection between animal personality and conservation. Conservation Biology. 37:e14021.
41. Albery GR, Sweeney A, Webber QMR (2023) How behavioural ageing affects infectious disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews. 155:105426.
40. McGuire LP, Leys R, Webber QMR, Clerc J (2023) Heterothermic migration strategies in flying vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icad053.
39. Dedeban E, Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Robitaille A, Vander Wal E (2023) Uncertainty during migration: the role of predictable resources in unpredictable conditions in determining movement in woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Journal of Mammalogy. 104:1290-1301.
39. Laforge MP, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2023) Plasticity and repeatability in spring migration and parturition dates with implications for annual reproductive success. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92:1042-1054.
37. Webber QMR, Albery GF, Farine DR, Pinter-Wollman N, Sharma N, Spiegel O, Vander Wal E, Manlove KR (2023) Behavioural ecology at the social-spatial interface. Biological Reviews. 98:868-886. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12934
36. Webber QMR, Dantzer B, Lane J, Boutin S, McAdam AG (2023) Density-dependent plasticity in territoriality revealed using social network analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92:207-221.
35. Collins S, Hendrix J, Webber QMR, Boyle S, Kingdon KA, Blackmore RJ, d’Entremont KJN, Hogg J, Ibáñez J-P, Kennah J, Lamarre J, Mejias M, Newediuk L, Richards C, Schwedak K, Wijekulathilake C, Turner JW (2023) A systematic examination of the intersection between animal personality and conservation. Conservation Biology. 37:e14021.
34. Sunga J, Webber QMR, Humber J, Rodrigues B, Broders H (2022) Non-random association patterns reveal overlapping subgroup structure: fission-fusion dynamics in little brown myotis. Animal Behaviour. 194:67-78.
33. Webber QMR, Ferraro KM, Hendrix JG, Vander Wal E (2022) What do caribou eat? A systematic review of caribou diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 100:197-207.
32. McAdam AG, Webber QMR, Dantzer B, Lane J, Boutin S (2022) Social effects on annual fitness in red squirrels. Journal of Heredity. 113:69-78.
31. Vander Wal E, Webber QMR, Laforge MP (2022) Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al. Behavioral Ecology. 33:487-488.
30. Webber QMR, McGuire LP (2022) Heterothermy, body size, and locomotion as ecological predictors of migration in mammals. Mammal Review. 52:82-95.
34. Sunga J, Webber QMR, Humber J, Rodrigues B, Broders H (2022) Non-random association patterns reveal overlapping subgroup structure: fission-fusion dynamics in little brown myotis. Animal Behaviour. 194:67-78.
33. Webber QMR, Ferraro KM, Hendrix JG, Vander Wal E (2022) What do caribou eat? A systematic review of caribou diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 100:197-207.
- Editors choice, March 2022.
32. McAdam AG, Webber QMR, Dantzer B, Lane J, Boutin S (2022) Social effects on annual fitness in red squirrels. Journal of Heredity. 113:69-78.
31. Vander Wal E, Webber QMR, Laforge MP (2022) Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al. Behavioral Ecology. 33:487-488.
- Invited commentary on Stuber et al. (2022) Behavioral Ecology.
30. Webber QMR, McGuire LP (2022) Heterothermy, body size, and locomotion as ecological predictors of migration in mammals. Mammal Review. 52:82-95.
- Editors choice at Mammal Review Janaury 2022.
29. Webber QMR, Hendrix JG, Robitaille AL*, Vander Wal E (2021) On the marginal value of swimming in woodland caribou. Ecology. 102:e03491.
28. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2021) Context-dependent group size: effects of population density, habitat, and season. Behavioral Ecology. 32:970-981
27. Sunga J, Webber QMR, Broders H (2021) Influence of number of individuals and observations per individual on estimates of subgroup structure. Plos One. 16:e0252471.
26. Newediuk L, Ethier JP, Boyle SP, Aubin JA, Balluffi-Fry J, Dedeban E, Laforge MP, Prokopenko CM, Turner JW, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2021) Sociopolitical factors driver conservation planning timelines: implications for species at risk globally. Biological Conservation. 257:109091.
25. Huang RKK, Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Robitaille AL, Balluffi-Fry J, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2021) Coyote diet and spatial co-occurrence with caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 99:391-399.
24. Robitaille AL, Webber QMR, Turner JW, Vander Wal E (2021) The problem and promise of scale in animal social multilayer networks. Current Zoology. 67:113-123.
29. Webber QMR, Hendrix JG, Robitaille AL*, Vander Wal E (2021) On the marginal value of swimming in woodland caribou. Ecology. 102:e03491.
28. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2021) Context-dependent group size: effects of population density, habitat, and season. Behavioral Ecology. 32:970-981
27. Sunga J, Webber QMR, Broders H (2021) Influence of number of individuals and observations per individual on estimates of subgroup structure. Plos One. 16:e0252471.
26. Newediuk L, Ethier JP, Boyle SP, Aubin JA, Balluffi-Fry J, Dedeban E, Laforge MP, Prokopenko CM, Turner JW, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2021) Sociopolitical factors driver conservation planning timelines: implications for species at risk globally. Biological Conservation. 257:109091.
25. Huang RKK, Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Robitaille AL, Balluffi-Fry J, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2021) Coyote diet and spatial co-occurrence with caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 99:391-399.
- Invitetd to Canadian Journal of Zoology Special Issue on Predator-Prey Dynamics.
24. Robitaille AL, Webber QMR, Turner JW, Vander Wal E (2021) The problem and promise of scale in animal social multilayer networks. Current Zoology. 67:113-123.
- Published in Special Issue of Current Zoology titled: "Embracing the complexity of animal social systems using multilayer network analysis".
23. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Personality affects of an experimental pathogen in little brown bats. Royal Society Open Science. 7:200770. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200770
22. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2020) Is less more? A commentary on the practice of 'metric-hacking' in animal social network analysis. Animal Behaviour. 168:109-120.
21. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2020) Heterogeneity in social networks is density-dependent: implications for disease dynamics in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 74:77.
20. Bonar M, Lewis KP, Webber QMR, Dobbin M, Laforge MP, Vander Wal E (2020) Geometry of the ideal free distribution: individual behavioural variation and annual reproductive success in aggregations of a social ungulate. Ecology Letters. 23:1360-1369.
19. Fletcher QE, Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Modelling the potential efficacy of treatments for white-nose syndrome in bats. Journal of Applied Ecology. 57:1283-1291. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13619
18. Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Robitaille AL, Hart C, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2020) The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics. The American Naturalist. 196, E1-E15. https://doi.org/10.1086/708721
17. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Correlations between personality traits and roosting behaviours reveal two functionally distinct behavioural syndromes in little brown bats. Behaviour. 157:143-183. PDF
16. Vander Wal E, Webber QMR (2020) Density dependence and eco-evolutionary dynamics of animal social networks: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson. Behavioral Ecology. 31:16-18. PDF
23. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Personality affects of an experimental pathogen in little brown bats. Royal Society Open Science. 7:200770. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200770
22. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2020) Is less more? A commentary on the practice of 'metric-hacking' in animal social network analysis. Animal Behaviour. 168:109-120.
21. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2020) Heterogeneity in social networks is density-dependent: implications for disease dynamics in a gregarious ungulate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 74:77.
20. Bonar M, Lewis KP, Webber QMR, Dobbin M, Laforge MP, Vander Wal E (2020) Geometry of the ideal free distribution: individual behavioural variation and annual reproductive success in aggregations of a social ungulate. Ecology Letters. 23:1360-1369.
19. Fletcher QE, Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Modelling the potential efficacy of treatments for white-nose syndrome in bats. Journal of Applied Ecology. 57:1283-1291. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13619
18. Webber QMR, Laforge MP, Bonar M, Robitaille AL, Hart C, Zabihi-Seissan S, Vander Wal E (2020) The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics. The American Naturalist. 196, E1-E15. https://doi.org/10.1086/708721
17. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Correlations between personality traits and roosting behaviours reveal two functionally distinct behavioural syndromes in little brown bats. Behaviour. 157:143-183. PDF
16. Vander Wal E, Webber QMR (2020) Density dependence and eco-evolutionary dynamics of animal social networks: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson. Behavioral Ecology. 31:16-18. PDF
- Invited commentary on Shizuka and Johnson (2020) Behavioral Ecology.
15. Baloun DE, Webber QMR, McGuire LP, Boyles JG, Shrivastav A, Willis CKR (2019) Testing the 'fasting while foraging' hypothesis: Effects of recent feeding on plasma metabolite concentrations in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 92:373-380. PDF
14. Robitaille AL, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2019) Conducting social network analysis with animal telemetry data: applications and methods using spatsoc. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10:1203-1211. PDF
13. Peignier M^, Webber QMR^, Koen EL, Laforge MP, Robitaille AL, Vander Wal E (2019). Space-use and social association in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Ecology and Evolution. 9:5133-5145. PDF ^co-first authors.
12. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2019) Trends and perspectives on the use of social network analysis in behavioural ecology: a bibliometric approach. Animal Behaviour. 149:77-87. PDF
15. Baloun DE, Webber QMR, McGuire LP, Boyles JG, Shrivastav A, Willis CKR (2019) Testing the 'fasting while foraging' hypothesis: Effects of recent feeding on plasma metabolite concentrations in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 92:373-380. PDF
14. Robitaille AL, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2019) Conducting social network analysis with animal telemetry data: applications and methods using spatsoc. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10:1203-1211. PDF
13. Peignier M^, Webber QMR^, Koen EL, Laforge MP, Robitaille AL, Vander Wal E (2019). Space-use and social association in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses. Ecology and Evolution. 9:5133-5145. PDF ^co-first authors.
12. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2019) Trends and perspectives on the use of social network analysis in behavioural ecology: a bibliometric approach. Animal Behaviour. 149:77-87. PDF
11. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2018) An experimental test of effects of ambient temperature and roost quality on aggregation by little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Journal of Thermal Biology. 74:174-180. PDF
10. O’Brien PP, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2018) Consistent individual differences and population plasticity in network-derived sociality: An experimental manipulation of density in a gregarious ungulate. PLoS ONE e0193425 PDF
9. Chetelat J, Hickey BC, Poulain AJ, Dastoor A, Ryjkov A, McAlpine D, Vanderwolf K, Jung TS, Hale L, Cooke ELL, Hobson D, Jonasson K, Kaupas L, McCarthy S, McClelland C, Morningstar D, Norquay KJO, Novy R, Player D, Redford T, Simard A, Stamler S, Webber QMR, Yumvihoze E, Zanuttig M (2018) Spatial variation of mercury bioaccumulation in bats of Canada linked to atmospheric mercury deposition. Science of the Total Environment. 626:668-677.
8. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2018) An evolutionary framework outlining the integration of individual social and spatial ecology. Journal of Animal Ecology. 87:113-127 PDF
11. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2018) An experimental test of effects of ambient temperature and roost quality on aggregation by little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Journal of Thermal Biology. 74:174-180. PDF
10. O’Brien PP, Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2018) Consistent individual differences and population plasticity in network-derived sociality: An experimental manipulation of density in a gregarious ungulate. PLoS ONE e0193425 PDF
9. Chetelat J, Hickey BC, Poulain AJ, Dastoor A, Ryjkov A, McAlpine D, Vanderwolf K, Jung TS, Hale L, Cooke ELL, Hobson D, Jonasson K, Kaupas L, McCarthy S, McClelland C, Morningstar D, Norquay KJO, Novy R, Player D, Redford T, Simard A, Stamler S, Webber QMR, Yumvihoze E, Zanuttig M (2018) Spatial variation of mercury bioaccumulation in bats of Canada linked to atmospheric mercury deposition. Science of the Total Environment. 626:668-677.
8. Webber QMR, Vander Wal E (2018) An evolutionary framework outlining the integration of individual social and spatial ecology. Journal of Animal Ecology. 87:113-127 PDF
7. Webber QMR, Fletcher QE, Willis CKR (2017) Viral richness is positively related to group size, but not mating system, in bats. EcoHealth. 14:652-661 PDF
6. Bohn S, Webber QMR, Florko K, Paslawski K, Peterson A, Piche J, Menzies A, Willis CKR (2017) Personality predicts ectoparasite abundance in an asocial sciurid. Ethology. 123:761-771 PDF ^co-first authors.
5. Lilley TM, Wilson CA, Bernard RF, Wilcox EV, Vesterinen EJ, Webber QMR, Kurpiers L, Prokkola JM, Ejotre I, Kurta A, Field KA, Reeder DM, Pulliainen AT (2017) Molecular detection of Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis in North American bats. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 17:243-246. PDF
7. Webber QMR, Fletcher QE, Willis CKR (2017) Viral richness is positively related to group size, but not mating system, in bats. EcoHealth. 14:652-661 PDF
6. Bohn S, Webber QMR, Florko K, Paslawski K, Peterson A, Piche J, Menzies A, Willis CKR (2017) Personality predicts ectoparasite abundance in an asocial sciurid. Ethology. 123:761-771 PDF ^co-first authors.
5. Lilley TM, Wilson CA, Bernard RF, Wilcox EV, Vesterinen EJ, Webber QMR, Kurpiers L, Prokkola JM, Ejotre I, Kurta A, Field KA, Reeder DM, Pulliainen AT (2017) Molecular detection of Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis in North American bats. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 17:243-246. PDF
4. Menzies AK, Webber QMR, Baloun DE*, McGuire LP, Muise KA, Cote D, Willis CKR (2016) Metabolic rate, latitude, and thermal stability of roosts, but not phylogeny, affect rewarming rates of bats. Physiology and Behaviour. 164:361-368. PDF
3. Webber QMR, Brigham RM, Park AD, Gillam EH, O’Shea TJ, Willis CKR (2016) Social network characteristics and predicted pathogen transmission in female forest-roosting Eptesicus fuscus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:701-712. PDF
4. Menzies AK, Webber QMR, Baloun DE*, McGuire LP, Muise KA, Cote D, Willis CKR (2016) Metabolic rate, latitude, and thermal stability of roosts, but not phylogeny, affect rewarming rates of bats. Physiology and Behaviour. 164:361-368. PDF
3. Webber QMR, Brigham RM, Park AD, Gillam EH, O’Shea TJ, Willis CKR (2016) Social network characteristics and predicted pathogen transmission in female forest-roosting Eptesicus fuscus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:701-712. PDF
2. Webber QMR, Czenze ZJ, Willis CKR (2015) Host demographic predicts ectoparasite dynamics for a colonial host during pre-hibernation mating. Parasitology 142:1260-1269. PDF
1. Webber QMR, McGuire LP, Smith SB, Willis CKR (2015) Host behaviour, age and sex correlate with ectoparasite prevalence and intensity in a colonial mammal, the little brown bat. Behaviour 152:83-105. PDF
2. Webber QMR, Czenze ZJ, Willis CKR (2015) Host demographic predicts ectoparasite dynamics for a colonial host during pre-hibernation mating. Parasitology 142:1260-1269. PDF
1. Webber QMR, McGuire LP, Smith SB, Willis CKR (2015) Host behaviour, age and sex correlate with ectoparasite prevalence and intensity in a colonial mammal, the little brown bat. Behaviour 152:83-105. PDF
Book chapters:
2. Dzal Y, Menzies AK, Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Tinbergen's toughest question: Linking physiological, behavioral, and ecological processes with survival and fitness in heterothermic bats. In: Lim, Fenton, Brigham, Mistry, Kurta, Gillam, Russel, Ortega (editors) North American Society for Bat Research 50th Anniversary Volume. Springer Press.
1. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2016) Sociality, parasites and pathogens in bats. In: Ortega J (editor) Sociality in bats. Springer Press. pp. 105-139. PDF
2. Dzal Y, Menzies AK, Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2020) Tinbergen's toughest question: Linking physiological, behavioral, and ecological processes with survival and fitness in heterothermic bats. In: Lim, Fenton, Brigham, Mistry, Kurta, Gillam, Russel, Ortega (editors) North American Society for Bat Research 50th Anniversary Volume. Springer Press.
1. Webber QMR, Willis CKR (2016) Sociality, parasites and pathogens in bats. In: Ortega J (editor) Sociality in bats. Springer Press. pp. 105-139. PDF